Director of Appointments & Engagement
Andrew Millar MCIPD
Director of Appointments & Engagement
As Director of Appointments & Engagement, Andrew Millar (MCIPD) leads the Appointments and Engagement Team by overseeing the promotion and delivery of a programme of appointments to meet the business needs of the Courts and Tribunals in Northern Ireland. He leads on the provision of strategic analysis and professional advice in developing and implementing the work of the Commission. He co-ordinates and delivers external engagement to maximise awareness of NIJAC and Judicial opportunities, targeting a diversity of audiences which are reflective of the community in Northern Ireland.
Andrew leads on developing continual improvement programmes within the team, aiming to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our ways of working. Andrew contributes to the achievement of the merit principle by leading on the refinement of the profile used to identify the skills, attributes, behaviours and aspects of effectiveness required for success in judicial office, and the design and application of assessment methods which best reflect those requirements. Andrew also leads on the interrogation of data on previous, current, and future recruitment competitions, analysing applicant trends and social influences to inform communication and outreach activities to address potential areas of underrepresentation and to deliver on the Commission’s statutory duties.
Having worked in leadership roles within NIJAC since 2007, Andrew has 22 years’ experience in Human Resources Management roles within the public sector and 32 years’ experience working in the justice sector.