NIJAC is seeking to appoint various doctors to include Consultants, GPs and other eligible medical practitioners to sit as fee paid members of the Appeal Tribunals.
Appeal Tribunals Medical Generalist Member
It is intended to make 11 appointments and to maintain a reserve list for 12 months from the anticipated date of the first appointment (29 September 2017).
To be eligible for appointment a person must be:
A registered medical practitioner with the General Medical Council. Registered medical practitioner means a fully registered person within the meaning of the Medical Act 1983 whether or not they hold a licence to practice under the Act.
Appeal Tribunals Medical Specialist (Consultant) Member
It is intended to make 5 appointments and to maintain a reserve list for 12 months from the anticipated date of the first appointment (29 September 2017).
To be eligible for appointment a person must be:
A registered specialist medical practitioner with the General Medical Council. Registered specialist medical practitioner means a fully registered person within the meaning of the Medical Act 1983 whether or not they hold a licence to practice under the Act who is named on an appropriate specialist register held by the GMC.
Expressions of interest for both schemes must be received by NIJAC no later than 12 noon on Monday 8 May 2017.