The First Minister, the Rt. Hon. Arlene Foster, MLA, and the deputy First Minister, Michelle O’Neill MLA have appointed His Honour Judge Geoffrey Miller QC as the County Court Commissioner to the NI Judicial Appointments Commission (NIJAC).
The appointment is for a five year term from 12 August 2020 to 11 August 2025.
Press Release Notification
The Right Honourable Sir Declan Morgan is pleased to hear of the appointment to the Board of His Honour Judge Miller as Commissioner and welcomes him to NIJAC. As NIJAC’s Chairman and Lord Chief Justice of Northern Ireland, Sir Declan looks forward to working with him to ensure that NIJAC continues to deliver sound governance and stewardship of public funds, whilst ensuring that the assessment and selection processes deliver on NIJAC’s statutory remit to ensure the most meritorious appointments are made, based upon open and fair processes.
NIJAC’s Chief Executive, Mrs Tonya McCormac, is delighted with the appointment and looks forward to collaborating with the new Commissioner to deliver on the Commission’s Corporate Plan, achieving its longer-term objectives over the next five years and continuing to improve the services which NIJAC provide to the public in Northern Ireland.
The Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission (NIJAC) was established on 15 June 2005 under the Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002 as amended by the Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2004. On the devolution of policing and justice powers in April 2010 the remit of the Commission was further expanded and NIJAC is currently responsible for selecting and appointing, or recommending for appointment, applicants in respect of all listed judicial offices up to and including High Court Judge.
The Commission comprises a Chairman who is the Lord Chief Justice and 12 other members.
Five Judicial Members; two Legal Profession Members (a barrister nominated by the General Council of the Bar and a solicitor nominated by the Law Society); and five Lay Members (recruited by an open competition regulated by the Commissioner for Public Appointments NI.)
The Executive Office holds sponsorship responsibility for the Commission and the 2002 Act provides for the First Minister and deputy First Minister to appoint Commissioners.
His Honour Judge Miller was appointed as a County Court Judge in May 2009. He was educated at Queen’s University, Belfast. He was called to the Bar in September 1983 and took Silk in 2006. He became a member of the Bar of Ireland in February 1996. In October 2002 he was appointed a Deputy Resident Magistrate and from June 2008 until his elevation to the County Court Bench he was a Deputy District Judge (Magistrates’ Courts). In December 2019 he was appointed as the member representative on the Northern Ireland Judicial Pensions Board. From August 2014 to August 2016 he served as a judge of the Family Care Centre in Belfast and in August 2016 he was appointed as an assigned judge at Belfast Crown Court. In August 2019 he took up the position as assigned judge for the Division of Ards, based at Downpatrick.
Judicial members with the exception of the lay magistrate are not remunerated for their appointment.
If you have any further queries about this or any other related judicial appointment please contact: Tonya McCormac Chief Executive NIJAC Headline Building 10-14 Victoria Street Belfast BT1 3GG Tel: 02890 569100
Email: judicialappointments@nijac.gov.uk
Website: www.nijac.gov.uk