NIJAC is inviting applications for the office of Deputy Statutory Officer
It is intended to make nine appointments and to maintain a reserve list for 12 months from the anticipated date of first appointment (1 August 2023).
A Deputy Statutory Officer may be required to cover the work of the full-time judiciary in both of the following areas:
i) District Judge
ii) Master of the High Court
To be eligible for appointment as a Deputy Statutory Officer* a person must, by the anticipated date of appointment (1 August 2023) be either:
- a member of the Bar of Northern Ireland of at least 7 years standing; or
- a solicitor of the Court of Judicature of Northern Ireland of at least 7 years’ standing.
* Section 107 (1) of the Judicature (NI) Act 1978 provides for the aggregation of years’ standing for holding office of solicitors who have been barristers, and vice versa.
Fee: £542.38 per day when sitting as a District Judge.
£676.10 per day when sitting as a Master
Closing date: 12 noon on Tuesday 9 May 2023
For further information and to apply online please click here
Additional Resources
Read our Nature of the Role document for further insight into the role of Deputy Statutory Officer.
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