NIJAC is anticipating that the following judicial offices will be advertised in the coming months:
District Judge (Magistrates' Courts) Flexible working may be considered for the appointments arising in this scheme.
Mental Health Review Tribunal Legal Member (x2 plus reserve)
To save you having to check the website for updates Register for e-News and you will be automatically sent an email of our latest news.
We are more than happy to provide further information and willing to speak to any group or association who have members likely to be interested in the opportunities listed. Please contact us at 028 9056 9100 or at judicialappointments@nijac.gov.uk to avail of this opportunity.
To learn more visit the Northern Ireland Courts and Tribunals Service’s website www.courtsni.gov.uk.
NIJAC also suggests you consider the Judicial Shadowing Scheme as a means of researching the legal, medical and valuer offices; Further Information is available here.