NIJAC is anticipating that the following judicial offices will be advertised shortly:
District Judge (Magistrates' Courts)
NIJAC will very shortly be inviting applications for the office of District Judge (Magistrates’ Courts).
It is intended to make up to two appointments and to maintain a reserve list for 12 months from the date of the first appointment. Flexible working may be considered for the appointments arising in this scheme.
The scheme will be open to applications on the NIJAC website from 24 March and will be advertised in the press on 25 March 2016. Completed applications must be received by NIJAC no later than 12 (noon) on Tuesday 3 May 2016.
Other Schemes
Spring 2016
Pensions Appeal Tribunals Medical Members (x4)
Summer 2016
Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel Northern Ireland Adjudicator Legal Members (x2)
Traffic Penalty Tribunal Legal Member (x2)
NOTE - Number of posts advertised are shown (in brackets).
We advise that you check our website regularly for further updates in relation to these schemes or Register for e-News