NIJAC is inviting applications for the office of fee paid Valuation Member of the Northern Ireland Valuation Tribunal (NIVT). It is intended to make three appointments and to maintain a reserve list for 12 months from the anticipated date of first appointment (31 May 2023).
The NIVT is an independent, judicial body that hears and determines appeals in respect of domestic rates and other rating appeals, including those relating to disability, education and lone pensioner rating relief. NIVT’s remit also includes High Hedges appeals against decisions of District Councils.
A Valuation Member will be required to assist in the conduct of NIVT hearings including by providing valuation and, as applicable, surveying expertise at any appropriate site visit and also during the hearing process and in the subsequent decision-making process.
To be eligible for appointment as a Valuation Member a person must, by 31 May 2023, have three years' experience in the valuation of land.
Fee: £355.50 per day, £177.75 per half day and £177.75 per day of training
Closing date: Monday 3 April 2023 at 12noon
For further information and to apply online please click here
Additional Resources
Watch a YouTube video with Mr Timothy Hopkins giving more information regarding this scheme, the work of the tribunal and the role of a Valuation Member.
Read the Nature of the Role document for further insight into the role of Valuation Member
Visit Northern Ireland Valuation Tribunal | Department of Justice (justice-ni.gov.uk) for further information about the Tribunal and related legislation
Read previous Judicial decisions and directions | Judiciary NI from the NIVT
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