NIJAC is inviting applications for the offices Coroner and fee paid Adjudicator (Medical Member) of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel (CICAP) for Northern Ireland.
It is intended to make one appointment and to maintain a reserve list for 12 months from the anticipated date of the first appointment (21 September 2020). Flexible working (for example 4 day week / block week working / term time) arrangements will be considered.
To be eligible for appointment a person must be by 21 September 2020:
- A member of the Bar of Northern Ireland of at least 5 years’ standing
- A Solicitor of the Court of Judicature of Northern Ireland of at least 5 years’ standing.
Completed applications must be received by NIJAC no later than 12 noon on Monday 4 May 2020.
Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel (CICAP) – Adjudicator (Medical Member)
It is intended to make one appointment and to maintain a reserve list for 12 months from the anticipated date of the first appointment (1 June 2020)
To be eligible for appointment a person must be by 1 June 2020:
- A registered medical practitioner with the General Medical Council (GMC)
Completed applications must be received by NIJAC no later than 12 noon on Monday 27 April 2020.
For further details in respect of these opportunities and to apply online please click here.