NIJAC is now inviting applications for the office of fee paid Ordinary (Lay) Member of the Victims’ Payments Board.
It is intended to make 15 appointments and to maintain a reserve list for 12 months from the anticipated date of first appointment (3 May 2022).
The main function of the Victims’ Payments Board is to hear and determine on applications for Troubles Permanent Disablement Payment Scheme (TPDPS), due to a troubles related injury. The Victims’ Payments Board Ordinary (Lay) Member is a judicial office holder who sits as part of a decision-making panel along with legal and medically qualified Board members. Collectively the panel are responsible for considering initial applications to to determine if applicants are eligible for an award.
To be eligible for appointment as an Ordinary (Lay) Member of the Victims’ Payments Board a person must:
- Demonstrate an understanding of the needs of victims of the troubles;
- Have knowledge or experience of the impact of any acquired physical disability and / or impact on mental health;
- Be able to work collaboratively and contribute to collective decisions; and
- Have the ability to consider large amounts of information.
Fee: £286.11 per full day session.
Closing date: 12 noon on Monday 10 January 2022
For further information and to apply online please click here
We recommend you read the Realistic Role Preview and complete the self-assessment questionnaire. It is designed to help you make a reasonably informed decision about whether or not to submit an application as it will explain eligibility requirements and explore your suitability to become a Victims’ Payments Board (VPB) Ordinary (Lay) Member: Victims’ Payments Board - Ordinary (Lay) Member Realistic Role Preview | Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission (nijac.gov.uk)
Additional Resources
Watch a YouTube video with Mr Justice McAlinden (President of the Victims' Payments Board) and Adeline Frew (Director of Appointments and Communications at NIJAC) giving more information regarding the role and the process.
Follow us on Twitter for further updates @NIJACNews or visit our Current Vacancies page.