NIJAC is pleased to announce that it has launched its new look website – www.nijac.gov.uk
The website has been completely revamped and streamlined to make it a more user-friendly resource. We are committed to making this a resource that provides useful information for our key stakeholders. As such, it will be a work in progress over the weeks and months to come. We will continually check and improve the content for relevance and accuracy.
Website testing is due to take place during the next 48 hour period and a number of e-news items will be generated as a result. Please ignore these test communications and apologies in advance for any inconvenience incurred.
Over the coming months the site will grow and more features will be added. We would love to hear your feedback on our new website and any features or content that you would be interested in seeing.
Please send any feedback on our website or recommendations for improvement to judicialappointments@nijac.gov.uk