NIJAC is committed to:
- implementing a fair, accountable and transparent initial screening process to sift applicants against advertised eligibility criteria;
- continuing to review the eligibility criteria where possible in advance of a competition to ensure it provides for equality of opportunity, is appropriate to the role and assists NIJAC to meet its statutory remit: and
- ensuring that a fair, accountable and transparent process is in place to handle issues and queries that arise regarding statutory eligibility criteria.
Statutory Requirements
Statutory requirements for appointment to judicial office are set out in governing legislation for the particular judicial office under recruitment. NIJAC may only appoint or recommend for appointment to judicial office those who meet the statutory eligibility requirements.
Years Standing
Applicants must have the number of years standing as a barrister and/or solicitor specified in the Terms and Conditions of Appointment, by the anticipated date of the first appointment.
Section 107 (1) of the Judicature (NI) Act 1978 provides for the aggregation of years’ standing for holding office of solicitors who have been barristers, and vice versa.
Applicants are subject to the statutory retirement age for the office (75 years).
Nationality Requirements
Applicants usually must fulfil at least one of the following nationality requirements:
- be a citizen of the United Kingdom;
- be a citizen of Ireland;
- be a citizen of a Commonwealth country;
- hold dual nationality, one of which falls within the above criteria.