Independent Assessor of PSNI Recruitment Vetting
The Department of Justice (DOJ) is seeking to appoint an Independent Assessor of Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) Recruitment Vetting.
The Independent Assessor is a public appointment made by the Minister of Justice in accordance with legislation [SR 2001 No. 140]. The Regulations which govern this appointment require that the Independent Assessor shall have held judicial office within any part of the United Kingdom. The appointment will commence on 1 November 2016 and will be for a 4 year term.
The Independent Assessor provides an appeals procedure for candidates disqualified from appointment to the Police Service of Northern Ireland on vetting grounds, should the candidate so request.
Time commitment equates to approximately 5 judicial sitting days per year. The Independent Assessor will receive annual gross remuneration of £8,250, plus a per diem fee payable in accordance with the fees schedule for judicial office holders in Northern Ireland.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 12 Noon on Friday 29 July 2016. Late applications will not be accepted.
A candidate information pack and application form can be obtained as follows:-
Website: Download directly from the public appointments page on the DOJ website: https://www.justice-ni.gov.uk/doj-public-appointments
Email to: indassessor@justice-ni.x.gsi.gov.uk
By writing to: Independent Assessor Appointment 2016, Department of Justice, Room A4.16, Block B, Castle Buildings, Stormont, Belfast, BT4 3SG
The DOJ is committed to the principles of public appointments based on merit, with independent assessment, openness and transparency of process. The DOJ is committed to providing equality of opportunity and welcomes applications regardless of religious belief, gender, disability, race, political opinion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or whether or not you have dependants. Applications from females and those with a disability are also particularly welcome, as these groups are currently under-represented in public appointments. If you require the documents in an alternative format, please contact us at the above address.