Review Tribunal – Experienced Members
NIJAC will shortly be commencing a scheme to select:
- Experienced Members of the Review Tribunal (x10 plus reserve list)
The fee payable is £176 per day or £88 per half day.
We will be holding Information Sessions for potential applicants interested in finding out more about the role in The Hilton Hotel, 4 Lanyon Place, Belfast, BT1 3LP on 2 December 2019 at 2pm and 6:30pm. Current members of the tribunal will be in attendance. We will also provide information on the selection process. These are fee-paid part-time roles and tribunal members will be paid a sessional fee for each day they are required to sit.
If you are interested in attending please contact NIJAC via email at judicialappointments@nijac.gov.uk or phone 028 9056 9100
From 1 October 2019 the tribunal, previously known as the Mental Health Review Tribunal (MHRT) will have increased responsibilities and will be called the Review Tribunal.
The tribunal will retain its existing jurisdiction under the Mental Health (Northern Ireland) Order 1986 (as amended) and will continue to hear applications made by patients or their relatives for discharge from compulsory detention in psychiatric hospitals or from compulsory guardianship and to review the authority for detention of patients whose cases have been referred. The Review Tribunal will, in addition, have responsibility for hearing appeals against authorisations of Deprivation of Liberty (DoL) by HSC Trusts and the appointment or removal of nominated persons under the Mental Capacity (NI) Act 2016. The following links provide useful information in respect of the Mental Capacity (NI) Act 2016 which may be of interest to potential applicants for these schemes:
- Department of Health Guidance on the Mental Capacity Act 2016: https://www.health-ni.gov.uk/mca(external link opens in a new window / tab)
- Department of Health Guidance on the Mental Capacity Act 2016 Scenarios: https://www.healthni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/publications/health/mca-scenarios.pdf(external link opens in a new window / tab)
Essential Criteria
The statutory qualification for appointment as an experienced member is to have such experience in administration, such knowledge of social care or such other qualifications or experience as the DoJ considers suitable. Some relevant experience such as working with people with psychiatric disorders or persons who lack, or may lack capacity would be advantageous.
This experience or knowledge may include the following
- a social worker;
- a counsellor;
- a student of psychology or psychotherapy;
- a care worker or someone working in a health & social care setting or supported housing or group homes;
- anyone working in a professional capacity with persons who lack, or may lack capacity;
- a nurse or midwife;
- an Occupational Therapist;
- a Speech and Language Therapist;
- a Practitioner Psychologist;
- an employee/volunteer of a charity which works with people with a psychiatric disorder, mental illness, or learning disability or persons who lack, or may lack capacity;
- someone who has a friend or family member with a psychiatric disorder, mental illness, learning disability, dementia or who lacks, or may lack capacity.
This scheme is to launch on 22 November 2019.
To make sure you don’t miss this opportunity register for NIJAC’s eNews at www.nijac.gov.uk