NIJAC is inviting Expressions of Interest for the office of fee paid (Consultant Psychiatrist) Medical Member of the Review Tribunal for Northern Ireland (previously the Mental Health Review Tribunal). It is intended to make 8 appointments and to maintain a reserve list for 12 months from the anticipated date of the first appointment (1 June 2020).
To be eligible for appointment as a (Consultant Psychiatrist) Medical Member a person must be, by 3 February 2020:
- A registered medical practitioner with the General Medical Council (GMC).
- Applicants must have held a full-time or part-time appointment as a Consultant Psychiatrist or Associate Specialist. In addition applicants must have membership of the Royal College of Psychiatrists at any of the following levels:
- Member, Fellow or Associate Specialist
- Applicants should also be participants in a continuing professional development programme for Psychiatrists.
Fee: £381 per day
£190.50 per half day
Plus a medical examination fee of £150 (when required)
Completed Expressions of Interest must reach NIJAC by 12.00 noon on Monday 3 February 2020.