Applications are sought for the appointment of a new Justice of the Supreme Court. The appointment is expected to take effect in October 2020.
The UK Supreme Court and Judicial Committee of the Privy Council hear a wide range of very complex and high profile legal appeals, which can have considerable impact across the United Kingdom and beyond. The withdrawal of the UK from the EU makes this a particularly important time at which to be appointed a Justice.
Applications continue to be sought from a wide range of candidates, including those who are not currently full-time judges, and particularly those who will increase the diversity of the Court.
Please contact Grainne Hawkins by email (grainne.hawkins@supremecourt.uk) or by telephone (020 7960 1906) for an application form.
For more information please click here: https://www.supremecourt.uk/news/judicial-vacancies.html
The closing date for applications for both competitions is midday on 21 May 2020.