Mr Paul Douglas

Lay Member

Career / Experience:

Mr Douglas had 15 years experience as a senior manager within the Police Service of Northern Ireland before his retirement.  He developed strategies to reduce crime and help build safer communities. He was previously Vice Chair of the NW Community Safety Partnership; a partner in the Western Investment for Health Forum; a Council Lay member for the Pharmaceutical Society for Northern Ireland and a non-executive Director for the Safeguarding Board for Northern Ireland.

Period of Appointment and Remuneration:

Mr Douglas’ period of appointment is for four years commencing on 2nd June 2021 to 1 June 2025. A daily rate of £338 and a half-day fee of £169 (4 hours or less) are payable. An hourly rate is payable for Commission activities other than attendance at scheduled meetings and attendance at training, conferences, outreach and diversity events.

Other Public Appointments Held and Remunerations Received:

Mr Douglas currently holds a non-executive role for the Northern Ireland Environment Agency and a monthly fee of £516.36 is payable. He also holds a non-executive role for the Probation Board (NI) and a monthly fee of £300 is payable. In addition to this, Mr Douglas serves as a non-executive representative with the Patient & Client Council and a monthly fee of £300 is payable. 

Political Activity:

Mr Douglas has not been engaged in any political activity in the last five years.