Reasonable Adjustments

The Commissioners of NIJAC are appointed to provide a high quality service to the people of Northern Ireland by selecting, appointing or recommending for appointment the best applicants for judicial office.

NIJAC is committed to considering any reasonable adjustments needed to ensure that you can participate in the application, assessment and selection processes fairly. The application form asks you to identify any arrangements and adjustments you may require. Requests will be considered on a case by case basis and the information given will not be shared with the Selection Committee or impact on selection decisions. NIJAC will work with applicants to deliver effective adjustments to ensure their fair participation in our application, assessment and selection processes. If you require a reasonable adjustment in order to make an application then please contact Andrew Millar on 028 9056 9113, e-mail or  or write to NI Judicial Appointments Commission at Headline Building, 10-14 Victoria Street, Belfast, BT1 3GG without delay.

It is vital that you advise NIJAC of your adjustment request at the earliest opportunity, so that the request can be considered before the test or selection day takes place.

Click to view NIJAC's Reasonable Adjustments Policy