President of the Adjudication Panel for Wales
PublishedThe Judicial Appointments Commission in England and Wales are advertising for President of the Adjudication Panel
The Judicial Appointments Commission in England and Wales are advertising for President of the Adjudication Panel
The Department of Justice is seeking to appoint at least one Psychiatry Commissioner to the Parole Commissioners
NIJAC is closed on the following dates...
His Majesty the King has appointed...
NIJAC is inviting applications for the office of Deputy County Court Judge
NIJAC is inviting Expressions of Interest for the office of Consultant Psychiatrist / Specialist Associate
NIJAC is inviting applications for the office of Legal Member of the Review Tribunal
NIJAC are pleased to announce their Charity of the Year: Northern Ireland Children’s Hospice
The Judicial Appointments Commission in England and Wales have two vacancies available...
NIJAC will be seeking to appoint eleven Deputy County Court Judges
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - 21 April 1926 to 8 September 2022
NIJAC is inviting Expressions of Interest for the office of Consultant Psychiatrist / Specialist Associate
Her Majesty the Queen has appointed His Honour Judge Stephen Fowler QC as a High Court Judge in Northern Ireland
Her Majesty the Queen has appointed Ms Anne Marshall and Ms Alana McSorley as District Judges (Magistrates’ Courts)
NIJAC is now inviting applications for the office of Vice President of the ITFET
NIJAC is now inviting applications for the office of County Court Judge
Lord or Lady Justice of Appeal, Court of Appeal
NIJAC is inviting applications for the office of Master (Queen's Bench and Appeals)
NIJAC is inviting applications for the office of the President of the SENDT
NIJAC’s Annual Business Plan 2022-2023 is now available to read